Thinking deeper and thinking together about who we are, where we are and what we do in this world. Hosted by Djeli. Sharing love and inspiration is our goal. Producer, Editor, Creator: Djeli, is a Life coach, integration facilitator, public speaker, performing artist, Reiki practitioner, Father, son, brother and cousin. Djeli has traveled the globe in his performing career and now wishes to weave us all into the grand story of life. Connect with us at: billosophy101@gmail.com
Tom Paladino - Energy from the stars
Tom Paladino is a researcher and humanitarian seeking to make a difference in the world by providing people with the education and tools to restore optimal health, and by helping enhance their quality of life.
Tom began research with Scalar Energy during his undergraduate years after developing a deep admiration for the father of Scalar Energy research or knowledge, Nikola Tesla. He was also able to study the work of a man Hieronymus who continued research on Scalar Energy. Hieronymus’ major contributions included unbinding the RNA/ DNA bonds of microbes plaguing the agricultural industry (rendering them harmless).
The existence of such energy not found within the electromagnetic spectrum, fascinated Tom. Inspired by these findings, he pursued a course of independent study seeking to better understand and subsequently harness Scalar Energy, through the development of an instrument called “Scalar Light”.
Welcome to a place where we're thinking together and thinking deeper about who we are
William Forchion:and what we do in this world. Welcome to the philosophy podcast. Hello, and welcome to the philosophy 101 Podcast. I am William fortune and today my guest is Tom Palladino, please Tom Palatino. Please Who are you tell us a little about yourself and what you're doing.
Unknown:I'm going to speak about my career with scalar energy research what some people might call zero point energy or longitudinal waves. I work with an energy outside of electricity and magnetism it's not electromagnetic in character. So I've devoted a career to scalar energy research and we're going to speak about what I call the other dimension.
William Forchion:So tell me more because the scalar technology scalar light energy it sounds miraculous It sounds amazing.
Unknown:It is you're absolutely right. Let me be blunt it's it's from God. It's divine energy. If we look at electricity as a current, current a voltage of a current of electrons so to speak a movement of electrons this is has nothing to do with electrons scalar energy is the omnipresence of God this energy is everywhere. So what is it sunlight are Starlight is energy pervades the universe. It is miraculous. It's a divine energy. Only God could do this, this energies everywhere instantaneously.
William Forchion:Well, okay, so if you're, um, I've got goose bumps going on right now I'm kind of really super jazzed. I've got 1001 questions about this, because I am a Reiki practitioner. And Reiki is got energy flowing through the body as well. And the only way I can explain it is when I open up and I let that go through me. It works. It's not me doing it. It's the energy doing it. You're saying that this scalar scalar technology scalar energy is that same thing?
Unknown:Exactly. Exactly. And what some people do because they have healing hands. So use this example, I do with an instrument. So I have an instrument that controls scalar energy or divine energy. Okay,
William Forchion:what did you do you go down to the hardware store and pick up some things and come up with this instrument? How did you come up with the idea of creating this instrument? Yes,
Unknown:it started in theory with Nikola Tesla, I studied Tesla. And then over the years, I've developed a working model to use the name Hieronymus there was an American inventor Hieronymous. And I copied his work working with a brilliant engineer today. And what we have done, we have created scalar energy instruments. And these are some of the first instruments that are able to control sunlight, or zero point energy. This is not electricity. So it's been a long journey, it's well worth it. It's been 50 years of research on my part. And now we have a working model, what I call the equivalent of the Ark of the Covenant in which we can control scalar energy.
William Forchion:Okay, this may be this is off this question now is off the chart of the questions. There's something that just keeps popping in my head. And that is that this that you're doing is the combination of I wouldn't say religion, and yet it's not religion to spirituality and science.
Unknown:Yes, it is. Very good. There is no division between spirituality and science. It's all one why it's all true. If it's truth, and its stance, then it's then it is valid. So you can have what you consider a spiritual aspect or scientific aspect, but if it's real, if it's true, it's valid, then call it what you will. It's truth. And, and yes, in many ways, we are finally bridging the gap between spirituality and science, that I am practicing a spiritual science it's a divine science, I use scientific equipment, but it does have spiritual implications. So I'm working with God's energy and I have instruments that can control God's energy. And I mean every word of that.
William Forchion:So I pause there when you because you you say control and I know that that human exploit to to control certain things are is it actually controlling or are you guiding like, you know, helping a river on its core are so what did they
Unknown:let's let's let's give God has do always God is the Creator he created this energy but I have now the ability to control this energy so I didn't create the an air energy but I can control it I can, let's say Marshal it mandated call what you will right? And I know those are very stark terms but I mean every word of that. So with electricity if we can control a current with skin or energy we can control this omnipresence of God. I mean that, yes, you heard me correctly.
William Forchion:And wow, I really am Whalley. And, of course, to hear that come out of your mouth to see you say these words. I, I've immediately had this pushback of Who are you to do this thing? And, and yet I know that,
William Forchion:yeah, exactly. It has
Unknown:to match how much God trust me. Right? Let me just be blunt. If I have the modern day of the Ark of the Covenant, imagine how much God trust me. Hmm.
William Forchion:And so can you tell me about the process of what you do what you're doing with this because you have a healing modality that you're taking this and, and using it for the benefit of humanity and, and beyond. Because you also mentioned that you can send pictures of your pets as well. So it's not just humanity. That's,
Unknown:that's the key that to benefit to glorify God and to benefit mankind. So let me start off, audience off with this. This is my photograph, I only work through photographs. This instrument is only designed to work with photographs of people and animals, why I asked the energy code on a photograph, I never work with people I work with their or their spirit or their energy signal. And my photograph has my scalar energy signal on now I could access that signal. Now in so doing, I can perform incredible feats through that dimension of scalar energy. It's not one on one sessions, this is not an electromagnetic event. So working in this arena, it's non physical, it's divine energy. And the way I access a person is through their energy code or their energy matrix or call it their energy imprint.
William Forchion:This. So amazing. It's cutting edge is. And now here's a wild thing I only heard of you about three or four weeks ago. And when I heard it from my friend, immediately when I have to reach out to this guy and get in touch with this. Because if I have the the at the platform to broadcast this, then I will. Because I do believe that it's the technology that you're using this scalar energy that you're using, that's working through me as well. So what is the future of scalar? Energy? And how will its acceptance serve to change the world for the better?
Unknown:Well, let's consider the energy spectrum are using now electromagnetic energy and look at all the benefits, you know, we've electrified our homes. Electricity makes our lives comfortable, convenient. What I propose is when we shift from electricity to scalar. scalar is clean. It's clean energy, there's no pollution. And just as important scalar energy is free from the stars. So you don't need a power plant, the new power plant or the stars, we simply have to access energy from the stars. So this is free energy, and in application that's relatively inexpensive to implement. So this is the free energy that we've been waiting for. And this free energy will and the energy crisis.
William Forchion:What there's, there's once again, the pushback that I'm in, in my What am I what my training has been what I've been taught in this world, there's the push back, oh, there's no such thing as a free lunch. Everything has a price, everything has a cost. How is this free?
Unknown:The energy itself God created? Let's look let's look at trees. Well, trees are free, air is free, water is free. Now if you want to commercialize that, we'll go ahead you can do that. Okay, but what is my point? Scalar energy is free energy from the stars, as opposed to a wind turbine that's expensive, or electricity which you have to generate or a nuclear power plant or coal, etc, etc. So the source the source of the energy is free. The stars,
William Forchion:yes. Okay, there. I'm buying it all and And I'm not in payment. I'm just accepting that. And what what unique experiences have you witnessed when working with scalar energy in your laboratory.
Unknown:Now, when I enter my lab, it's a scalar energy environment that overrides that me gates, electricity and magnetism. So let's say if I have a laptop computer and I enter into my laboratory, my laptop computer will not work because the skin energy scrambles the signal in my computer, or my cell phone will not work close to my instrument, because skin energy will override scramble the electromagnetic signal in my phone. So what I've noticed is in a scalar energy environment, it's a different information system. It's a different environment. There's two realities now, the electromagnetic reality and the scalar reality. And I mean that quite little. So when I'm working in a scalar, energy dimension, it's different. It's a, it's a new textbook, it's a new branch of physics, it is not electricity and magnetism, the world that we understand is electromagnetic paradigm. I never broken that electro magnetic paradigm in my laboratory, I work in a different dimension in my laboratory.
William Forchion:Okay.
Unknown:And that's how I can access a person through their energy field. Now, if I'm placed, if I place a person's photograph in a toaster, or a refrigerator, or a computer, obviously, you have photographs in your cell phone, that's a different experience. But when I place a photograph inside my scanner, the G instrument, there's an immediate connection to the forcefield. Right? That That in and of itself proves that I'm working with a scalar energy force field in which there's an interconnection, immediate connection through a photograph.
William Forchion:So you're saying in your laboratory, that's what the what we know of time and space? And these are the certainties that we have in this. The reality around me changes. Yes,
Unknown:exactly. Changes. It's a different reality. Very good.
William Forchion:I'm pretty sure my head is about to explode when
Unknown:you've heard this frequently, people have said the quantum realm or quantum healing or or the other universe or a different reality. They're absolutely right. There's two dimensions that are governed by two sets of laws, principles. And electromagnetic laws are not scatter loss. There are two distinct dimensions. So we really have in the universe two explanations, because we have to reality's
William Forchion:Fabulous. Fabulous. So can you explain how scalar Energy is everywhere in the universe, and thus transcends time and space? Yes,
Unknown:scalar energy does not observe a speed, it's instantaneous velocity, it's everywhere. In other words, this energy does not start from point A to point B, it simply permeates the universe. Many people call that the Mystical Body of Christ or or the matrix, or quantum entanglement, in which there really is an energy that is, I would say, universal, that is omnipresent. Now, if that's the case, you have to get out of your mind from point A to point B, there is no point A and point B with scalar energy, everything is interconnected. So there's really only one point so to speak, the universe is holographic, whereas an electromagnetic paradigm, the universe is a series of points. In a scalar energy paradigm, everything is interconnected. So with that in mind, you no longer consider time and space, you've overcome time and space, you transcend time and space. So when you're in a scalar, energy environment, everything is one moment in time.
William Forchion:Well, I'm just gonna take a pause here. If you're listening, now you're talking to Tom Palatino, who is blowing my mind with scalar energy scalar technology. And, Tom, if you will tell it, I don't even know the half of it. And I want in. So I want to let any of the listeners or viewers also know how to get in.
Unknown:Thank you. This is a scientific process. This is not my theory. These are scientific instruments that control scalar energy, so the process is repeatable. And we can enter now into that dimension of scalar energy, not electromagnetic energy, scalar energy. And with that we can do so many things within this dimension that you cannot do with electricity and magnetism. So I've devoted the website scalar light.com, to the dimension scalar energy dimension in which we work with people by way of their force. single wave their photograph, I never worked with people I work with our aura, I work with their spirit, I work with their nonphysical spirit bot. And in so doing, I can work with anybody in the world by way of the photograph, a person or an animal. Now to prove that our website offers 15 days of free sessions in which anybody in the world can email us a photograph,
William Forchion:15 days of free sessions, and it's just you email it if you send a hard hard copy, email it to you with that. And what happens,
Unknown:we perform three functions, were able to balance the brainwaves, the shoppers, now keep in mind, this is non physical. So we're sending information into the brain, so to speak, into the, into the conscious consciousness of the person into the actual, what I would call cognitive presents. So we can balance brainwaves, we can balance the seven chakras, which are likewise Points of Light, which are non physical, are also able to instruct this energy to break apart the molecular bonds of a virus or bacteria. Let me explain. My photograph reports my present constitution with a bacterium is found. If I am currently infected with a bacterium, it's found its It does indeed signal on the photograph. And I could send energy into my photograph to break apart to destroy that bacteria. Now, does that how also happen in real life to a person at a distance? I believe so but I can't prove that I can prove that. Right? So I can identify microbes and perform a microbial cleanse. And I also can identify what nutrients what vitamins and minerals people need, and I can assemble nutrients and vitamins and amino acids. I do that all through this interface of a photograph which interfaces with their quantum body. I never work with flesh and blood. I work through their informational field or their quantum but
William Forchion:can you tell how did you come to this? What was where What were you doing where this came to you?
Unknown:I was very fortunate back in the 90s. I met with family by the name of Hieronymus and although I never met the inventor, Galen Hieronymus I met his wife and his wife shared with me the technique that Galen Hieronymus had developed, and I actually purchased scalar energy instruments. And I knew that when I was working with these instruments, these Hieronymus instruments, then I was in another dimension. There's no way I could have explained what I was experiencing by way of electricity magnetism, the current electromagnetic theory just just didn't stand up. So long story short, I met the Hieronymus family, I was able to look at the notes of Galen Hieronymus, the inventor and I continued on with his work and continue on with his work to this day.
William Forchion:And how long is that? How long have you been doing this work?
Unknown:Well, I met the Hieronymus family in 1993. So in practice, now, I'm going on 30 years, which I've been working with scalar energy instruments.
William Forchion:And as we know, with scalar, energy, time and space mean nothing. So it's been it's been a minute and it's been a millennium.
Unknown:Sometimes it feels that way. I want to inculcate this. But the Audience Yes, please, you're dealing with a new branch of physics. That's not in any way to derive electromagnetic theory, and the brilliance behind electromagnetic theory. This is a new branch of science in which we're working with non physical information. And we can effectuate a change by working with non physical information if it's at the realm of thought or the realm of prayer. I am now working with thought or with instructions, and I can change reality with instructions.
William Forchion:So listening to what you have to say, holding on to all that I've been taught. You must in sharing this with people. You must face resist resistance and possibly get some frustration on your own. How do you continue even with with what you're doing when you know that there's a world, a great many of us in the world that won't accept this.
Unknown:I've seen just great support from the people. It's a grassroots. Thank you people thank you to the grassroots movement. And then shame on many people in the government who should be helping us and they're not. And shame on some people in other walks of life, even in academia should be helping us And they're not. So this is a grassroots movement that people have been very warm. And because of that I am able to get the message out. So what am I getting? People have read my website, they've tried the free trial, they are open to this. Okay? They're at least objective enough that they'll do their proper due diligence. And they'll make up their mind on their own. They don't need the government or the media to tell them how to think. And that's the key. Those are the people that we want to work with, not to the people that everybody's brainwashed. Now, that's not the case. Many people are open minded.
William Forchion:Right? And so And once again, I want to, at the risk of sounding like an infomercial for you. This so with your if you're hearing this, then it's available for you to have a trial of this, is there a code that they need to have to get to the trial? No, just
Unknown:just go to the website, upload your photograph, you can send in photos, with your family's permission, send your entire family include your pets, why did we do that? I'm confident this works. It does work. It follows the laws of science. And with that in mind, then I'm confident you're going to have a quantum healing, not a physical healing, a scalar energy healing. Hmm, okay,
William Forchion:it's gonna probably take me a little bit to wrap my head around all of that. And I have another question. Can you help us understand how scalar energy this is gonna sound like it comes out of left field is the cause of gravity. In very
Unknown:simple scale energy, so to speak, is inward if it's if it's really what I call centripetal, then you have an increase of gravity. Gravity increases, but if you relax that then gravity relaxes. So inward, gravity increases outward gravity gates, it's that simple. So gravity is not a constant. Sadly, there are some textbooks that refer to the gravitational constant, that's nonsense. Gravity varies, varies with scalar energy, increased the scalar energy, and gravity will increase negate that gravity, so to speak, gravity relaxes and comes into grab. That's been demonstrated many scalar energy. Researchers have seen gravitational anomalies, why? Well, gravity changes with the scalar wave. That's simple.
William Forchion:So this scalar energy, is it anything like photosynthesis, my predecessor
Unknown:Galen Hieronymous group plants in the dark with scatter energy instruments,
William Forchion:there's a belief and thing that we've been taught that photo plants photosynthesize,
Unknown:Galen Hieronymus was able to collect scalar energy from an electrode plate on his roof, and then channel that by a wire copper wire into his basement. And then this copper wire was was placed inside, so to speak, plants, potted plants, and the basement was completely void of light. And he was able to grow plants in the dark with that scalar energy apparatus. And that's always really appealed to me that probably the animating force of photosynthesis is scalar energy, whereas electromagnetic energy has a secondary effect. And I'm holding to that theory. Now. That's just a theory.
William Forchion:All right, so can you explain how scalar scalar energy is the cause of time?
Unknown:It's so simple. Keep in mind when you're working with creation, you're working with the fundamentals, you're working with a very immutable laws of nature, who don't have to be complicated. To the contrary, it's nature, a simple nature evolves in complexity, it's a scattered energy is a double helix it rotates. When you rotate that skill of labor in one direction, time moves forward. When you stop the rotation time standstill, when you reverse that rotation time goes back. Now, why is it that the universe proceeds in a uniform fashion because all the stars are rotating uniform, and that's why time is moving forward, uniform.
William Forchion:Oh, once again, I'm boggled at I'm no scientist. And this is like, there's so much of me that's engaged in charged up by this conversation. And I'm really grateful that we're having it. For those of you who are just joining us, I'm talking to Tom Palatino. And we're talking about scalar energy and scalar technology. And the next question I have for you is how has this been used in the past and and why is it such a hush hush Why is it so quiet?
Unknown:It's suppressed the powers that be do not want you to notice. If you think about this, this the easy way to power the world from the stars. You don't need expensive or All natural gas, you don't need nuclear reactors. This is free energy. That's why this is suppressed. It's suppressed in deference to money in power. That's
William Forchion:so it's oppression is based on the fact that the capitalists haven't figured out how to capitalize on it.
Unknown:Yeah, exactly, exactly. And once we realize that there's an industry here, well, then then the floodgates open. But right now, people don't don't quite want to admit that there's free energy.
William Forchion:And so the scalar energies is everywhere. Is there a way do you have to have the instruments to tap into it? Can I tap into a good
Unknown:point? Yes, I say that very good point. Everybody's a scalar energy expert. The human mind is accomplished thing, thoughts every moment, a thought a scalar? Energy. So what is the human mind? It's the vessel of scalar energy, the mind and the heart are scalar energy vessels. What does that mean? That means really, everybody has the imprint, the image of God, our mind, our heart? Is the image of God. If this is the divine energy, what, what allows us to think just just think about that for me? How is it that we can think, where's that intelligence coming from? It's coming from God, it's divine intelligence, the very fact that we're creative that we can think, and we're able to speak to recognize symbols, that's all a scalar energy gift.
William Forchion:Okay, Tom, I had no idea that you would spend all this time blowing my mind. And, and here I am,
Unknown:thank you for absorbing this, you, you understand where we're going with this, this new reality, this is a new textbook, it's going to change the role.
William Forchion:So I've been practicing Reiki, which is God energy flowing that for 20 plus years, and this, it's like, whoa, okay, wait a minute, there are other instruments in which that can flow that energy as well. And the explanation for it, is there. And it's also the opposite. It's not there, you know, like, you could explain it away. And there will be scientific research, just like every theory, there will be an opposing theory. And it's a matter of which one gets gets to its audience faster, or more reliably, whatever. This is unbelievable. I mean, and miraculous. And I know that the world is in need of the miracles that are there every day. And this is one. This is one of those miracles, and I'm so grateful that you're doing what you do, and sharing this with the world, the universe.
Unknown:Thank you for being open to this now. You know, is there merit to what I'm saying? Yes, Nikola Tesla developed scalar energy instruments, Tesla took the, the engine out of a car, and he he drove around the city of Buffalo, New York, with a scalar energy engine. And he was able to power that car strictly on scalar. Energy, Star energy. Imagine if we had star energy cars, we wouldn't need electricity or oil. This is real.
William Forchion:I've heard that story many times. And I've heard the the observers of that experiment, who could who believe that it was a magical fluke. And I mean, to this day here that Tesla did this thing. And it made no sense. Yet they saw it with their own eyes.
Unknown:Exactly. The car was silent in operation. There was no combustion, no smoke, how did he do it? It was a scalar energy engine. Now imagine if we would have listened to Nikola Tesla, you would not have to worry about these exorbitant prices at the gas pump today.
William Forchion:And do you have any plans of taking what you're doing in your laboratory and upscaling it or
Unknown:one of my goals is to show at least a working model of free energy to the world. I want to be able to eliminate objects of distance. And if I can do that I can demonstrate in free energy illumination.
William Forchion:I hope that asking this question isn't speaking into reality. Is there any fear of the folks who want to suppress this for your safety?
Unknown:Thank you for being concerned. Jesus and Mary, protect me. If it wasn't for their protection? It would my my future would be dubious. This is a multi trillion dollar paradigm shift. What I'm speaking of is free energy. That's a multi trillion dollar global impact.
William Forchion:Well, I am. Wow, I started with Wow, I'm still at Wow. So I talk a lot and it's rare. It's rare when I am out of words and I'm out of words. This is mind boggling. Mind blowing, miraculous. Amazing. Wonderful. For scary, why is it scary because it means that all the things that I've been fed, not all but a lot of what I've been fed is not necessarily the only way, right, it's another way.
Unknown:That's the proper expression. Now, you cannot just look at this universe from electromagnetic standpoint, there's two realities, the electromagnetic reality is very real. I simply choose not to work in the electromagnetic reality. I like the supernatural beyond, which is scalar energy. Remember, it's non physical, we're not held up by physical matter, we work at the speed of thought, which is instantaneous,
William Forchion:so no accepting that accepting a change in consciousness. When we open that up, we change our consciousness, when we change, accept this new this other reality, not even it's not even new, because it's been, it has been, and it is. What shift happens within us when that when, without acceptance, you're
Unknown:right. And this that's the shift, when you pray, when you meditate, or when you make a positive thought, or when you decide to change a bad habit. It's, it's transformative, it changes your life. So you can see it's not everything in life is brick and mortar. When we make that prayer, or that affirmation or that positive thinking, that's much more important than the end result, which is brick and mortar. Look at the universe. Why is it that God created open space, which is intelligence, in that open space in the universe, which is the 0.0001% of physical matter, as opposed to the open space of 99.999%? of open space? No physical matter? What's the point? It's the intelligence, it's the scanner energy that sending out instructions and the physical reality, the end result is the point 0000 1% Why would God to devise a universe like that, because for some reason, we're caught up on the physical world, which which is fine. You know, there has to be we live on planet Earth. But what really drives the universe is the information or intelligence which is 99.9999% of the universe, which is non physical space, intelligence,
William Forchion:my mind is my mind physically exploded just then because of not seeing space as space within us, outside of us in the universe, seeing space or accepting space as intelligence. Wow, accepting that unlocks it, it allows us to accept that intelligence means that there's a lot more to be revealed, because we are tapped into that intelligence at all time. I'm Tom, I can't thank you enough for just that. Those words and that shift.
Unknown:You're just look at the universe. Have you ever seen telescopic photographs? You see distant galaxies, and you see stars in the distance? And then you see so much space between those stars? What's the point? You know, is it just a vacuum? No, it's filled with intelligence, which is inbuilt invisible, obviously, but its intelligence, its instructions. The entire universe is filled with star instructions. And once we understand that, which is the mind of God, then we see why God is 99.99% Star instructions, the final result, the physical universe. Well, that's just for our enjoyment, just just for our visual enjoyment.
William Forchion:Well, this has been so chock full of food, food for the soul food for the spirit. I'm so grateful for this. I'm going to probably just vibrate from this conversation for probably another two days. If you could go back to your younger self, and share some bit of wisdom that you have right now. What would you share with your younger self
Unknown:leaving God believe in yourself? Forget all that nonsense throat forget all that negativity. If somebody tries to put you down, just move on. I mean, every once awhile I hit a curtain Mark, I don't answer. Even God leaving yourself. Just just Forget this nonsense. Just move on. Just keep your focus.
William Forchion:Right. It's which is really amazing. Because when I when I start these interviews, I asked you to say your name and then introduce yourself. It's something that I've heard from my parents was that you can make a judgment on someone and a person will tell you who they are. And then secondly, they'll show you who they are right? And I truly believe when you how you said who you are, and what you're doing is showing us who you are. I'm really grateful to have had this time with you. This is
Unknown:God bless you richly likewise, you're a scholar and a gentleman. And you can see how two people like us can have this intelligent conversation and how now we send out scalar waves and we're going to change the rule.
William Forchion:Yes. And we are and we are doing it. We have done it. And we will continue. Thank you so much for this for this time. Thank you, everyone for for listening. Thank you for being here for watching as well. I'm William fortune, and my guest today, Tom Palladino, thank you so much for all that you're you are.
Unknown:Thank you. Thanks for your time. And please people visit the website, send in your photograph, we want you to experience this novel session of scalar energy.
William Forchion:And once again, can you please say what that website is?
Unknown:Scalar light.com, SCA le AR scalar light.com. All we need is a facial shot of Bashar and we do the rest and we'll see how your quantum health improves.
William Forchion:Fantastic. Thank you once again, this is philosophy 101 and the philosophy 101 podcast. Thank you Tom Palladino, and thanks everyone for listening. Please check out other podcasts that I have and support support through Patreon so thank you once again.
Unknown:Thank you for listening to the philosophy podcast. Keep checking in as we will be regularly releasing new episodes.